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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

January 27, 2007

Light=vertical love * Love=horizontal light

Infinitelysearching wrote:
> So therefore I believe the whole universe is conscious, conscious because
> it creates things that have never existed before, be it a vehicle of creation
> thought, or evolution, that does not matter. We are the luckiest piece of
> this thing we've found, able to sit and chatter about life, the universe
> and everything, -- and blessed to be able to begin to realise just how
> profound even the suffering is.

I totally agree - and gratitude and letting go is the path! But we should
realize what a unique opportunity this human incarnation gives us to
awaken to THAT.

I think we are the universe's mirror to see/understand its own awakening
to itself in denser and denser, slower and slower vibrational structures.
Light pours down to discover itself already hiding in the darkest corners...

Light = vertical Love * Love = horizontal Light

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